Let’s get a new project started.

Discover how The Brink Agency can elevate your brand through our expertise in Brand Identity, Digital Development, 3D Technology, and AI Content Creation. Let's innovate your digital presence together.

We aim to contact everyone within 24 hours of admission.

We have a minimum engagement fee of €1000 EUR in place. Over the years, we’ve discovered this is the minimum figure that allows us to provide all our clients with our high quality work.

We offer our clients a number of different dynamic billing structures, including fixed project fees, hourly rates, and monthly retainers for both design and development services.


Navigating Textiles

With Innovative UI Solutions

3D Technology

Fabric Fusion: Where Innovation Meets Artistry

Explore exquisitely designed textiles and safeguard your textile endeavors for the future by embracing digital technology, complete transparency, and state-of-the-art materials. BAKERMAT represents the fusion of a textile store, an online fabric repository, and a materials consultancy—a space where your creative ideas intersect with the latest advancements in the field.


Precision meets Fashion: Bakermat's Brand Bible

Fashion graph paper's precise grid embodies order, organization, and detail, reflecting Bakermat's brand. Using it in the logo connects to fashion, highlighting Bakermat's creativity and innovation. This choice showcases Bakermat as innovative, unconventional, and visually striking.


Rethink the way you buy textiles

The BAKERMAT website UI prioritizes easy navigation across its Fabric Store, Virtual Library, and Material Agency sections. Users can explore physical fabrics with detailed supplier info, access a rich collection of 3D textures, and collaborate with specialists. The interface ensures transparency, displaying verified supplier passports for traceability. It's designed to be responsive on all devices, encouraging engagement and fostering a community focused on innovation and sustainability in textiles.

The use of 3D solutions aligns with our commitment to sustainability. Virtual prototyping minimizes material waste by allowing designers to perfect their creations digitally before moving to physical production.


3D Textile Innovation

At BAKERMAT, 3D solutions reimagine how designers interact with fabrics. Through cutting-edge technology, BAKERMAT offers a virtual textile experience that goes beyond traditional limits. Designers can experiment and iterate on designs rapidly, reducing the time and resources typically needed for physical prototypes.

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